Clone of 2022 Election

Frostburg City Elections 2022

The City of Frostburg will hold its municipal elections on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. Charter Amendment 53 and Ordinance 2021-04 amended the City’s election process in which all registered voters will receive a ballot by mail and may return the ballot by mail or at a secure drop box located at the Frostburg Municipal Center by June 7, 2022.  View the 2022 Election Schedule.

Why vote-by-mail?

Municipal government may be the smallest form of government, but it has the most direct impact on residents and their quality of life.  Municipal government empowers residents to access their elected leaders and City staff to express their concerns, priorities, or ideas for improving their own community.  It is important that the citizens of Frostburg participate in their local government, and the easiest way to do that is by voting.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mayor and Council made an emergency Charter Amendment, as authorized by an Executive Order of the Governor, permitting the 2020 municipal election to be conducted by mail.  As a result, of the 4,036 ballots mailed to Frostburg’s registered voters in 2020, 1,031 ballots were cast, indicating the highest voter turnout since 2010 (26% voter participation vs. 26.6%, respectively).  Additionally, in 2020 the election was uncontested for the first time since 2012 when 94 ballots were cast. 

This data, combined with overall resident feedback, demonstrates that the vote-by-mail option is the preferred way to vote in a municipal election due to convenience, accessibility to the voter, and the alleviation of public health concerns.

What about voter fraud?

The City election process is governed by local and state laws and is overseen by the Frostburg Board of Elections with administrative support provided by the City Administrator.  Ballots will be mailed to every registered voter and will make replacement ballots available for those who did not receive or lost a ballot.  Each ballot will be mailed with 2 envelopes inside.  The ballot will be completed and inserted into an “Oath of Voter” envelope, which is then to be inserted into the return envelope, sealed, and mailed or returned to the drop box.  This protects the identity of the voter.  Each Oath of Voter envelope will have a unique identification number printed on the envelope that corresponds with the registered voter.  Only one vote per registered voter is allowed.  The Oath of Voter envelope is separated from the ballot before the ballot is tallied to ensure the privacy of the voter.  The tallying process is open to the public and poll watching is permitted for citizens who wish to observe the process. 

What is Frostburg’s form of government?

The City has a commission form of government. The elected body consists of the Mayor and 4 commissioners that are responsible for different aspects of City government:  Finance, Public Safety, Public Works, and Water, Parks, and Recreation.  The election is nonpartisan, and all City Council members are elected at-large once every 2 years.


Those seeking to run for council may find the filing forms at the bottom of this page or visit City Hall at 37 Broadway for a hard copy. Forms must be returned by the date listed on the Election schedule.  Questions should be directed to Elizabeth Stahlman, City Administrator, 2nd Floor, or 301-914-1781, or