Ticket Comment

Good morning,

Thank you for submitting your inquiry to the City of Frostburg. 

All preservation easements and restrictive covenants on historic properties are handled by the Maryland Historic Trust (MHT). I've pulled together several resources I think will be helpful to you as you prepare your property for sale.

- MHT Easement Program: https://mht.maryland.gov/easement.shtml
- General Preservation Easement FAQ:  https://mht.maryland.gov/documents/PDF/easement/easement_generalFAQ_2020...
- Preservation Easement Q&A (This document is tailored for MHT's capital grant program, but still some great information here): https://mht.maryland.gov/documents/PDF/grants/3%20-%20Easements%20Q&A%20...

Casey DeHaven manages the Easement program for the Maryland Historical Trust and can be reached by email at casey.dehaven@maryland.gov or by phone at 410-697-9545.

Please let me know how I can further assist you. Thank you for your dedication to historic preservation!

Bethany Fife
301-689-6000, ext. 110

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